Hytorc Tools

Finding The Right Tool For The Job Is Easy.

HYTORC is the global leader in bolting tools  and services. 

With more and higher quality tools than anyone else in the business, you can be sure you'll find the perfect one for your job and your budget.

We are able to offer a full line of superior torque and tension tools that feature the most advanced technology available along with the best return on investment possible.

While imitators abound....the simple fact is:  Nothing performs, nothing lasts, nothing works like a HYTORC!

If You Use It....Chances Are

For the past 40 years, HYTORC has created virtually every major technological breakthrough in torque and tension tools.

HYTORC features more efficient designs, more durable materials, and more value for YOUR dollar.

And WE don't plan on stopping any time soon!

When you choose a HYTORC tool....you can be confident that it's the best tool there is.  Not just the best tool for your job, but the best choice available.

Here are just a few of HYTORC's "1st"

HYTORC INNOVATION.....to help you do every job better, faster, safer, and smarter.

*    First in Safety with remote controlled hands-free tool operation.

*    First to do away with reaction arms and backup tools to eliminate OSHA recordables.

*    First to offer the option to set calibrated Torque, bolt stretch or bolt load.

*    First with an all-around, dual choice reaction system.

*    First with a bolt load accuracy of + or - 5%.

*    First to guarantee leak-free and failure-free startups.

TF:  800-464-9867      Ph: 713-453-6677      Fax:  713-453-4666

Hytorc of Texas sells Hydraulic Pumps and Hydraulic Torque Wrenches.  We carry Hytorc Hydraulic Torque Wrenches and Hytorc Hydraulic Pumps.  We also have Hytorc Sockets and Hytorc Bolting Tools.  Hytorc of Texas is the leader in hydraulic torque wrenches.  We sell hydraulic torque wrenches, bolting tools, hydraulic pumps, torque wrenches, scockets, and specialty hydraulic torque tools.
HYTORC has invented every single major improvement of modern hydraulic torque wrenches in the last 25 years, to give you the latest Technological Product which handles any job you have and any one you might come across, safely!

Only HYTORC offers a money-back, no questions asked guarantee.  If one of our tools does not perform as promised....you will NOT pay.

1-800-GO- HYTORC
1-800-46 4-9867

HYTORC of Texas     12420 Texaco Rd.    Houston, Tx.  77013